Posts Tagged ‘ friendship ’

our friend, Jesus

I love that we are the friends of Jesus. My friends are important to me. I love to chat with them, to find out what’s going on in their lives, and to know them better. The tagline of our Tuesday morning Living Loved and Healthy adventure is “John telling stories of his best friend, Jesus.”

Baby Sketch by Sue Kemnitz
One of the things I love best, is hearing what Jesus is doing in and through them. Can you imagine “the boys” sharing the stories?

“Yep, we were gawking at the crowds, and Jesus knew it was lunchtime. Jesus decided He could and would feed the mob. He turned to one of us, ‘Phillip, where are we to buy lunch?’ I think it was a trick question, could we see beyond the local McDonalds and Starbucks. Nope. Then Andrew piped in, ‘there are a few fish sandwiches available.’ ‘Perfect,’ Jesus winks at Andrew, Have the crowd sit down. Without hesitation, Jesus thanks Poppa God, and we all watch Poppa God be Poppa God. The bread and fish keep coming. And we got to feed the mob!”

Can you hear the excitement of Holy Spirit? “Brilliant idea, Jesus!”

There are so many outrageously fun parts to this story.

  • There’s always more than meets the eye when we befriend Jesus.
  • Jesus always lets us start right where we are and with what we already have.
  • Listening to Jesus opens up the best, in us, in our surroundings, and in Him.

And finally, Jesus lets His friends do the really fun part. He makes His friends look like rock stars. They get to pass lunch out. And pass out more and pass out more fishwiches. (Do they still call them that?)

We can feel that same incredible friendship of Jesus today by just turning our attention to Him. Say, “Hi Jesus, I’m glad you’re here with me. Thanks for being my friend.”

Feel Him? See Him?

What adventure will He open up to us today? He’s more than we can ask or imagine.

Only believe!

You can still join us for “Living Loved and Healthy,” Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:30. More info here.
Daily Painters of Minnesota
International Abstract Artists

Baby Sketch by Sue Kemnitz

This is the final sketch for a friend’s baby, “crowned with love” That’s a good word picture for us, too.

two cents

“I confidently walk in the room.

I had taken care that morning to make sure my garment was clean and brilliantly white. My hair combed and pulled up so as not to attract attention. My face, hands, and especially my feet were scrupulously scrubbed and my sandals had no stray threads. I’m so eager to see my friends and my God.

“As I passed the offering box, I threw in everything I had. Both of the copper coins. I was exuberant that I had coins to offer. Last week I just had a few seeds I had plucked on the edge of the field, left behind by generous land owners. I whispered to the coins, “Multiply!” right before I threw them in. I know my God will do it. He can do anything.

“There’s Jesus! He warms my heart. And then there’s His eyes. They burn right through me and let me know how loved I am. Very loved! He smiles with understanding as I toss my coins in. He has drawn me in and captured me for life. Just like His disciples. There’s more than meets the eye. He is love.”

As I re-read the story of the woman with the two small copper coins, I can’t help but re-enact that scene in my imagination. Is the woman hesitant or confident? Does she cower in her “poor-ness” or is she thankful for what she has? Does she have worry lines or smile lines?

Because Jesus loves her heart, I go with confident and thankful. Because she gives everything. Because she’s totally in love. Because she’s who God made her to be, the image of Jesus.

How’s your image today? Need to remind yourself of who you are in Him? Throw your two cents in–proudly.

“And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.’” Mark 12:42-44

Only believe.
Daily Painters of Minnesota
International Abstract Artists

His good pleasure

Sometimes Jesus totally blows me away with His goodness. And then, every now and again, He seems to just wink out of the corner of His eye. He makes my heart do a little leap for joy. I can see my good friend Cara smiling, “Pure Joy.

Bird and Calla Painting by Sue Kemnitz

This happened in California recently. As you know, Callas have been frequently in my thoughts, sketches, and paintings. The fields were blooming with Calla Lillies in Mendicino. Astonishing, fascinating, and beautiful. The flowers, as well as the trees, seemed on steroids there. Huge! The whites were pure. The sun shining through the petals, sublime. (I like that word…) and the portion of the flower that makes the “cup” had breathtaking color. No kidding! I could not stop staring and admiring Jesus who created such beauty!

One afternoon we walked from our cottage at the Glendeven Inn to the main lobby for a glass of wine and hors d’oeuvres. (I do not like that word. Too weird! Its the French, I suspect.) Passing by some of the Calla’s, I thought to myself, wouldn’t it just be so cool to see a bird sitting on one of them. So, I am certain you already know what happened. The very next morning, as we walked by the exact same flower on our way to the headlands, there was a bird, sitting on that exact flower.

He, Jesus, simply makes me smile. He knows our thoughts. He knows what brings us pleasure. He’s more than we can ask or imagine.

“Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. ‘Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.’ ” Luke 12:31-32

Fear not, little flock, it is the Father’s good pleasure to bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Jesus!

Only believe.

By the way – just a little trivia. Calla’s are not part of the genus of lily’s. They were mistakenly called that once upon a time, and the title stuck. Because of their trumpet shape, they are symbolic of victory.
Daily Painters of Minnesota
International Abstract Artists

• • • Join my daughter, Jessica, and I at our first ever joint Art Reception at the
Ring Mountain Creamery in Eagan, MN.
Sunday, June 3, 2-5pm. We would love to see you there!!!

This sweetie has found a new home! So excited!

Bird and Calla Painting by Sue Kemnitz

the fellowship of the Holy Spirit

hidden by kemnitz

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Cor. 13:14

He is Holy and wholly one with God.

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him—
these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit.
For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.”

Befriending the Holy Spirit means learning about God, His character, His vastness, His provision and power in addition to His love and tenderness. Paul says, “We have received… the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God (vs. 12). What has God prepared for us? I want to know! I may think I know, but I bet there’s more!

I admire those who have taken the adventurous road of deep intimacy with Holy Spirit. Paul and Samuel, Brother Lawrence, and Bill Johnson. They have cultivated this friendship. As we grow in our friendship, giving our mind, time, and obedience, we learn. We are comforted. We experience not only His peace, but also His power. Those depths of God that are not available when we keep zipping and zooming, or being critical. What will the Spirit reveal to us? I want to know!

Its an eternal friendship that we have the privilege of deepening and delighting in. I want to know Him!

I have grown to love adventure! I’m ready. I want to know… !

“The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you.” The Message

2012. It’s going to be a great year!

Only Believe.

“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful, than that of a continual conversation with God. Those only can comprehend it who practice and experience it.”  Brother Lawrence

hidden by kemnitzhidden