Archive for April, 2011



Thank You for the cross, my Friend. Thank You for the empty tomb.

Thank You that the increase of Your government has no end.

Thank You that You live in me … and i live in You.

Thank You that i live to exalt You.

That Your Glory covers the earth,

That You are exalted in the heavens.

Thank You that in You, all things are possible.

Thank You that You are healing.

Thank You that You are the beginning, the end and everything in between.

Thank You that You came as Love, as Life, as Truth, as Light.

The Hope of the nations.

With much Love,

Only believe.

Jesus, our all in all

aspen leaf“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him” (Col 1:16). Jesus is so creative, He not only made everything, He delights in making abundantly and extravagantly. We know its for “delight” because when we make something for someone, we want it to be wonderful. We want to paint the best painting, write the best blog, find the perfect card, for those we love.

We want it to delight the receiver and that delights us. So, when the Word says that all things, were created, they are created to delight not only Him, but also us.

Christ is our all in all. He is THE creator. In Him all things are created.
The breath of the Spirit is on this verse. Imagine Jesus imagining a tree. He says the word, “tree,” and a tree is formed. Palm trees, pine trees, olive trees and maple trees, an oak, to name a few. The breath of the Spirit, the force of His Word, is so powerful that over 10,000 trees were created. All things were created by Him. All things were created for His good pleasure, for our delight.

Abundantly. Extravagantly.

There’s an oak referred to in Scripture. The Oak of Tabor. It’s mentioned in 1 Sam 10:3 in some directions given to Saul after his anointing by Samuel. This Oak, highlighted in scripture can grow to be over 32 feet tall (2-3 stories), the circumference of the trunk can be almost 20 feet and the acorns.  The acorns are about two inches long and you can eat them. (bleech, comes to mind, actually…) The oldest Oak of Tabor in Israel, in lower Gallilee, is dated to over 500 years old.  Medicines for eye infections, wounds, and respiratory tract and digestive tract problems are extracted from the galls on the leaves.

Jesus. Creative. Abundant, Extravagant.

Imagine. Smell a lilac. Smell a magnolia tree. Smell a pine tree. Each tree even has a distinctive smell. All things were created for His good pleasure and for our delight.

Abundantly. Extravagantly.

Listen – hear the song of the Lord as it blows through the trees. What does a forest sound like as the wind blows through the trees? It sounds like the name Jesus without end. What He creates, He creates to praise Him.

Isaiah 44:23 says,
Sing for joy, you heavens, for the LORD has done this;
shout aloud, you earth beneath.
Burst into song, you mountains,
you forests and all your trees,
for the LORD has redeemed Jacob,
he displays his glory in Israel.

All things were created by Him. All things were created for His good pleasure, for His delight. Abundantly. Extravagantly.

He has done this in our physical world. Imagine, if you will, the unseen realm. The angels that reflect the glory of the Lord. The colors of the throne room. The powers and principalities in Spiritual Realms. Expect to see them! Expect to encounter them. and expect them to be extravagant, even more than you can think or imagine.

Our God. Our Jesus. He surpasses all others. He is our all in all.

Only believe!

“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” (Col 1:16)

Laura’s Respite

Jesus eyes


I asked Laura Thompson, poet extraordinaire, to write this week’s post.
She is a friend and lover of Jesus! Enjoy!


My Respite…

” The One Thing I ask of the LORD—
The thing I seek most
is to live in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
delighting in the LORD’S Perfections
and Meditating in HIS Temple.” (Psalm 27:4)

My greatest desire is to
Dwell in the Prevailing Presence of OUR GOD
each Moment of each Day.

To be Transformed, Transfixed and Captivated
by HIS Words and HIS Ways
in such a manner that My Life Becomes
One Unbroken Gaze fixed upon
OUR FATHER’S Heavenly Beauty.

I know that in any given day
I will encounter Impassable Valleys
and Tumultuous Heights,
but my Heart and Soul can Rest Assured
that The LORD Longs
to Climb these Mountains Tethered to Me.

HE will never let Me go from HIS SIGHT.
HE will never FORSAKE Me.
I must learn to allow HIM to completely Envelop Me

I yearn to Practice Beautifully,
the Art of Gazing into HIS FACE
for the Privilege of Always Longing to Live
under the Favor of HIS Splendid Smile.

HE is My Respite.
HE is My Home.
Always and Forever.

~Laura Thompson~

May you live, in His gaze today.

Only believe.

Jesus eyesthe eyes of Jesus.

blind, lame, and paralyzed.

waterHere’s a recap of the story in John 5:2-9 (esv). By the Sheep Gate of the Temple, there is a pool where the miraculous takes place. Those that are sick—blind, lame, or paralyzed—wait until the pool gets stirred up (possibly by an angel) and then the first one to dive into the pool gets healed. By this pool is a man who has been sitting there for 38 years.

The blind, lame and paralyzed jumped out at me. And this is what struck me.

The blind cannot see past the natural.
The lame cannot get to the pool. They’re busy waiting.
The paralyzed are stuck, unable to move.

And although I don’t like it very much, that’s often the picture of me. When I can’t find an answer, I’m not seeing from the Lord’s perspective. When I drag my feet, I let other things get in the way. And when I’m fearful, I can’t move. At all.

Enter Jesus. This one man, in the multitude, caught Jesus’ eye. What did Jesus see? Did He see crutches, a worn out mat, and desperation? Or did He see faith and trust?

How does Jesus respond? Jesus simply says, “Get up. Take up your bed and walk.” Eight simple words and the power and grace this man needs is released!

Jesus gives sight to the blind. I simply need to look from His heavenly perspective.
Jesus inspires faith. Simply walk. Step out.
Jesus replaces fear with perfect love. I simply need to trust.

I can hear, even from my own thoughts, “It’s simply not that simple.” Perhaps not. But perhaps it is. It all depends on Whom I am listening to.

Today, I choose to be led (by the Spirit). Seeing, walking, and in love. Perfect, in Him! Jesus! Joy!

Only believe.


This old small painting of mine reminds me the pool and the beauty of water.