Archive for June, 2011


 light of JesusI got up at the wee hour of 5:30 this morning and was painting by 6am. That is really early in the morning to paint, but I had so much fun painting over the weekend, that I wanted to get one more in, even if small, before we came home from the lake.

You would never know it now, but there is a dark brown and black undercoating below these bright colors, along with some ochres. That’s about as close as I get to neutrals in my paintings. As I was putting the final colors on, I thought this might start a series called, “from darkness into light.” No. 1. Which of course reminds me of Jesus. That’s what He does, only He does it better. He doesn’t coat the dark with beautiful colors. He is the color that dispels darkness. I often think of Him in glory and in white. But that’s only because we’re looking through human eyes. White is actually a combination of all color. How appropriate that He appears so often as white and bright and glorious.

Black is the absence of color. How true. When the darkness and blackness surrounds us, We lose color. We lose hope. We lose Jesus. Thankfully, Jesus never loses us. His color shines truer and brighter. He Himself is glo-rious.

So. Today. Color me happy. Color me full. Color me in Joy. Color me in His love. Color. Amazing and beautiful color. Need your color back? Worship.

Only believe.

 light of Jesus

darkness into light

Jesus said, “For a brief time still, the light is among you. Walk by the light you have so darkness doesn’t destroy you. If you walk in darkness, you don’t know where you’re going. As you have the light, believe in the light. Then the light will be within you, and shining through your lives. You’ll be children of light.” John 12:36

healing from the Healer

Hopeful HannahToday my back is 98% whole and healthy. It feels like a long time since I wrenched it picking up a large pot of herbs I have growing on the back deck. I felt the pull when I first lifted the pot but did not feel the full effects until several hours later, when I got out of the car after a 3-hour drive. Then I could hardly stand up, or sit down for that matter. The initial healing started right away as I prayed over it. I kept seeing Jesus kissing my “boo-boo” I share that with you because I believe it is true. Jesus loves to care for us. As moms (and dads), would we have not learned that from Him?

Last Saturday at the ND Healing Rooms, when it was at about 70%, the prayer ministers prayed over me. I don’t remember many words, but do remember the feeling of Jesus and His warmth covering my entire body. His Presence is everything and things happen there—in His Presence.

Today, I’m thankful for much, but especially for Jesus, who created us to love to be with Him in His Presence. Receiving His kisses, His joy, and the warmth of—Him.

Only believe.

Hopeful Hannah

Hopeful Hannah

love song

beautiful one“My beloved is mine, and I am His.” (she says) Song of Solomon 2:16

“You are altogether beautiful my love; there is no flaw in you.” (He says) Song of Solomon 4:7

When Jesus speaks, it’s amazing how much He loves us and how wonderful His thoughts are about us. His thoughts are higher than ours.

He thinks I’m beautiful. He thinks you’re beautiful—glorious, even, in His eyes!

There are lengths, widths, heights, and depths to His love for us that we’ll never find, but I want to try. Lord – let me explore Your love.

As I play with Him in heaven – I’m enthralled that He would want to just spend time with me. We swing. We chat. We sit quietly a lot of the time. The other day we watched gazelles run by and that’s why the verses in Song jump out at me. Gazelles remind me of His love for us. As He shows me mysteries and hidden things. I’m thrilled that He would show me and love me that much. That He would show…me.

Be rooted and grounded in love. His love.

Explore His tenderness. Bask in His kindness. Be surrounded by love. Soak.

only believe.

beautiful one

“Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away…” Song 2:10